*/ Wedding Fashion Files: Plan Your Honeymoon Pampering

Monday, January 19, 2009

Plan Your Honeymoon Pampering

Guest Post By Shirley Tan, AmericanBridal.com

Here at Wedding Fashion Police we understand that much consideration, planning, and sometimes even dieting goes into choosing the perfect wedding dress. And rightfully so, the wedding dress is more than just a garment, it is an institution! How many young girls (…and not so young girls) spend countless hours daydreaming of their stroll down the aisle? Practically all of them. An episode of the hit sitcom Friends even went so far as to portray Monica as having built a binder with several different “scenarios” to accommodate her budget possibilities. This obsession is not too far from reality.

However, how much planning goes into what you wear the morning after your wedding? Sure some of you may be planning to spend most of your honeymoon in nothing more than a bikini or some lingerie but eventually you will need to cover up.

Picture this: You are rushed onto a plane mere moments after your wedding, only after you are forced to go through the rigorous security checks at the airport (like you could or even would hide a bomb in Manolo Blahnik! Don´t they know how much they cost?). You sit on a plane and await your arrival to your Honeymoon destination, you catch a cab to your hotel, you check in; by now most of your day has been spent en route to your destination and you are absolutely exhausted from traveling. What is the one thing you most likely cannot wait to do that doesn’t involve your new hubby? Wouldn’t you just love to draw a bath and pamper yourself with a Relaxation Spa kit, and after that cuddle up next to your husband in your new luxury fleece monogrammed his/hers bathrobes?

It’s these little creature comforts that help us to take the edge off after years of preparation and anticipation.

Shirley is the President/CEO of AmericanBridal.com. Her company is a major leader in the wedding favors industry and her website contains many useful resources for brides planning their wedding.

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